Please find our £5 grab bag. Perfect for a taste of some of Raiyn's favourite treats.
1 x Grade A pigs ear.
I x Puffed Pigs snout.
I x Puffed Chicken foot.
1 x Natural Chicken foot.
1 x Turmeric Gourmet Deli sausage
1 x Liver Gourmet Deli sausage
Here at And Wander we never use plastics, and we stay away from anything that is not sustainble. Hence we only source our chews and treats from as close to us as possible and never out of the EU.
This Eco bags are made from from sugar cane, the greenest material on the market. Meening no matter how many times you buy from us you will not be poluting the planet with deadly plastics, that kill natural wildlife.
Please make sure you always supervise your dog when eating any natural dog treat and always provide clean drinking water.
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SKU: 265387
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