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The And Wander ANCO Naturals mixed treat & chew box is everything you need to give your dog healthy natural treats to keep their coats shiny and their teeth nice and clean. 


With the added assurance of coming from one of the UK's best and most trusted Scottish treat suppliers, who are not only ethical but sustainable too.


The box contains the following;


Anco Naturals Roe Deer Legs - 2 x Small air dried, no fur.

Anco Naturals Beef Ear Roots - 100g 

Anco Naturals Bully Bites - 100g

Anco Naturals Mini Biltong - 100g

Anco Naturals Goat Tube - x 2 

Anco Naturals Moon Bone

Anco Naturals Marrow Medium  x 2 Horns

Anco Naturals white cow ear

Anco naturals Beef Braid


These boxes are suitable for puppies over the age of 10 weeks old


Always supervise your dog when they have been given treats and chews and always provide fresh drinking water.

Anco Mixed Naturals dog treat box

SKU: 378594
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